Vampire Facelift Treatment in Delhi | Vampire Facelift Cost in Delhi
Vampire face lift
Vampire Facelift Treatment in Delhi
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A Vampire Facelift is a procedure for facial rejuvenation which uses the patient’s own blood. This revolutionary treatment is followed by incredible anti-aging results such as skin tightening, lifting, volumizing, collagen remodeling and overall brightening of the face and neck. It is a painless and minimally invasive procedure which combines the science behind injecting the concentrate of growth factors with the dermal fillers.

Vampire Facelift Treatment in Delhi 

Vampire Facelift Cost In Delhi Ranges From Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 12,000


Many of the patients confuse this term with ‘face-lift’, but both the procedures are different. A vampire facelift does not reposition or restructure the underlying tissue and cannot reshape your neck, jawline or lower neck like a surgical procedure of facelift.

Ideal Candidates For Vampire Facelift

  1. Best treatment for those who do not want to undergo surgical treatments for a younger-looking face
  2. Patient should be in good overall health
  3. A candidate with no serious skin diseases
  4. A candidate who wants relatively subtle cosmetic fixes made and want to improve issues like frown lines, smile lines, light forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet etc.
  5. A candidate who has lost skin elasticity.

Benefits of Vampire Face lift include

  1. Improved tone, texture, and color of the skin
  2. It helps to smoothen the wrinkles and fine lines
  3. Activates the growth of collagen
  4. Vampire face lift treatment targets the supporting tissues present beneath the skin instead of treating the upper skin layers.
  5. Helps to treat acne scars and other scars

Procedure vampire facelift

The procedure is done under local anesthesia. A small quantity of patient’s blood will be drawn and centrifuged to isolate a concentrate of growth factors & essential proteins. This concentrate helps in healing injured tissues. Then, a fine needle is used to inject these growth factors back into the patient’s skin resulting into new collagen production and blood vessels under the skin. You can expect a natural looking youthful skin after the treatment of vampire facelift in Delhi.


No admission will be required as this is a lunchtime procedure. Minimum three sittings are recommended for optimum results.

Book An Appointment

Clinic Timings
Monday to Saturday : 10:00am - 7:00pm | Sunday : Closed

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